Clean Eating Routine

Hey guys! Few weeks ago my mom forced me to get a blood test, I was actually against it coz I know if there's something wrong with me it will stress me out BIG TIME. And yes, it did.
The results are in! There you go, Cholesterol at its borderline! Who knew it'll be this high? I don't know if it's the excessive amount of olive oil I put in my food coz it is the healthiest oil I know. So now I realized I should stop eating fast food and greasy/fatty foods. Hmm... Maybe at least once in a blue moon. Ha ha!
After the results, I knew I had to change my eating habits. Now my diet is pretty basic- I just avoid carbs. Eat lots of greens and proteins and about 3 bottles of infused lemon water a day. I OVERDOSE ON WATER! Peeing is a great thing, an extremely inconvenient thing but great. I avoid soda and any unnecessary sugars that aren’t really satisfying any type of cravings and I'm trying really hard not to drive myself crazy every day thinking about all things that I should be avoiding.

Clean eating is not always delicious but tolerable to eat. Another great thing about it is that these food will suite your daily workout coz it's freakin' protein! Cheat day only happens once a week, or else your diet / clean eating will be put to waste.

          2-3 Egg Whites
          Century Tuna


          Grilled Salmon Fillet
          Steamed Broccoli

          Wholegrain Crackers

          Grilled Chicken Breast
          Steamed Cauliflower

You can also try breakfast smoothies such as fresh strawberries, blueberries with plain yogurt. Switch your lunch and dinner menu from time to time. Salad greens are also great for snacking.