Black is the new Green

How's everyone doing? I have been in the process of launching Juice Depot's new line of activated charcoal juices and shots, this project has temporarily been put on hold as I have had to direct my energy elsewhere and everyone's not cooperating to work because of the Holy Week.
The Hype: Healthy glowing skin, better breath, improved digestion and hangover help.

Juice Depot's Black Elixir Collection is a series of charcoal-infused juices detox and clarify from the inside out. Just basically drawing toxins out of your body for improved organ function. I swear, people will feel the benefits. I know a lot of people drank green juice in hopes that it would improve their skin but it's just not enough. Move over, face masks! It's now more convenient than ever to drink your way to gorgeous skin. Now there's "beauty in a bottle" to be added in your  regime. And lest anyone fear that the earthy brews will taste like dirt? NOPE. There's no charcoal taste at all.
The Black Elixir line comprises three kinds of juice, Black Lemonade (citrus), Black Potion (greens), and Black Magic (mylk); and two shots all containing raw activated charcoal.
Will be out mid-April 2015! Keep checking for updates!
