Feel Better, Naturally!

First and foremost, I hate being sick. Who doesn’t right? I’m a busybody and being sick just doesn’t work for me. That being said, anytime I start to feel SLIGHTLY under the weather – which is very often, I let the remedies begin. Here are some of the ways I say NO to that icky flu, cold, hay fever thing that’s going around.

1. HYDRATE - The second your body starts to feel lethargic, or weak drink up. Water is a powerful thing, and can help balance the fluids in your body, energize your muscles, and helps flush out toxins which is number one when fighting off a bug. Water high in alkaline help enhance your immune system which maximizes your body’s ability to fight off disease and illness and heal itself. Raw juices that are cold pressed are a great way to get tons of nutrients into your body. Raw cold pressed juices are helpful in removing acidity, mucus, molds, fungus and bad bacteria from body. Not mention, they’re yummy and refreshing when your tummy may be a little upset or lacking an appetite.
2. MED UP - Kidding, I avoid medication at all cost, but these homeopathic remedies have your back! The trick is to start taking them at first sign of sickness. I found a multivitamins that specialized in Vitamin B Complex, C, also D3! I like to stock up and have them on deck just in case. WAY better than your average over the counter meds i.e. DayQuil, Tylenol. etc that have more side effects and drowsiness than anyone in their right mind would happily sign up for. Another good way to dodge a bug is to keep up on your vitamins or Vitamin B, C, or D. I’m not a religious vitamin taker, BUT when I’m feeling sluggish, stressed or am traveling I like to give my body a little boost. Sicknesses love a a depleted, stressed body – so be sure to keep those “immune system upper’s” on hand.

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Now, before I leave you to conquer your little sicky bugs alone. One more thing to remember… AVOID processed sugar or caffeine.